Team tips: How bite-sized learning makes agile principles more accessible to all

Image showing a blue piece in a fully white puzzle, illustrating the idea of

Developing a shared understanding of core approaches is vital for any organization. To be successful, it’s crucial, for example, to know what the company’s vision & mission are, how strategy and goals are defined, how performance is measured, or how crucial information is documented. At Ladenzeile, one of the core approaches also includes an agile […]

Breaking the taboo: why menopause needs to be discussed in the workplace

Abstract portrait of the female reproductive system made from flowers

While menopause is a natural and inevitable biological process, it’s unfortunately still a rarely considered topic within workplaces. This comes at the expense of both individuals and companies. As it often is, it’s the most difficult topics to address that are the most important to talk about: Written by: Saskia, Director of People, Culture & […]

Lieblingsstories: Elisa’s journey into Data Privacy

Protected data online, data safety when shopping, phone protected

How do you bridge being responsible for the structure of a single product category to counseling a whole team of Operational Specialists as a Senior and then into becoming a key role in supporting GDPR compliance infrastructure throughout an entire organization? The truth is that under the right conditions, anything is possible. As my contribution […]

Always change a running system: 4 Impulse für einen erfolgreichen Wandel

People and team work is key in driving a company to successfully change, especially in challenging times

Turbulente Zeiten zwingen Unternehmen oft zum Wandel. Auch uns. Darum wollten wir wissen, wie wir noch besser mit Veränderungen umgehen können. Als hilfreiches Tool dafür haben wir die Prosci-Change-Management-Methode kennen- und schätzen gelernt. Die für uns 4 wichtigsten Impulse daraus stellen wir dir hier vor. Autorin: Saskia Weigand, Director of People, Organization & Culture / […]

4 learnings for the future: Always change a running system

People and team work is key in driving a company to successfully change, especially in challenging times

In times of economical challenges, we are as organizations often forced to rethink our systems and structures. At Ladenzeile, we wanted to understand how we can best meet changes in the future – and by learning from the Prosci Change Management Method, we identified four major points to help us do so. Today, we would […]

Ladenzeile receives Focus Money Preissieger 2022

Customers expect value for their money. At Ladenzeile, we’ve been rewarded by Deutschland Test and Focus Money as one of the Preissieger 2022 in e-commerce. A recognition we feel very honored about – especially because it means living up to what we promise our users: In October, Focus Money and Deutschland Test published their Preissieger […]

In dankbarer Erinnerung: Mit dem Verlust von Kolleg:innen umgehen

Der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen ist eine einschneidende Erfahrung. Man fühlt sich allein gelassen, es schmerzt zutiefst und es kostet viel Kraft, den Alltag zu bewältigen. Wir alle brauchen Zeit, um zu trauern und um das Erlebte zu verarbeiten. Wir alle brauchen dafür unterschiedlich viel Zeit. Aber was tun Organisationen, wenn sie eine:n liebe:n Kolleg:in, […]

In loving memory: Coping with loss of dear colleagues

Losing a loved person is an incisive experience. You feel left alone, it hurts inside and it takes a lot of energy to cope with everyday life. We all need time to grieve, to process what we have experienced and how long it takes is very individual. But, what do organizations do when losing a […]

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