Green gifts are simply better: 15 seeds we planted for the future

Some time ago, Visual Meta took part in the Berlin City Tree Campaign and donated 15 new trees. These were then “given away” to our employees in exchange for their best environmental ideas.

One of the winners of our internal competition was our colleague, Dominika, and during the recent short holiday, she went to say hello to her tree in Galenusstraße in Pankow:

“Huge thanks to all involved to make this happen 💚,” Dominika says. “Green gifts are the best gifts! It’s inspiring when green initiatives are supported and warmly welcomed, like in our company.”

We’re happy for every step we take towards shaping a more sustainable future. And planting a few new seeds, just made our hearts beat a little greener. Thanks to all of our Ladenzeilers who participated – we’re excited for many more steps to take for a healthier environment.

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