Sponsored Products Ads elevate your products to favorites

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Sponsored Products Ads are an easy way to get more traffic and sales by making your products stand out on top of the best Ladenzeile and Shopalike pages. Learn more and give them a try!

Sponsored Products Ads can skyrocket your business benefits

Having your best products published on the top of highly visited pages with no upfront costs is a wish of every online retailer. Now, Ladenzeile is making this wish a reality by offering its partners a smart cost-per click bidding system – Sponsored Products Ads.

Our first partners were able to take advantage of this new type of promotion already a couple of months ago – with very satisfying results! The products these shop sponsored were not only  much more often viewed – the amount of clicks on them almost doubled, and their sales increased significantly, which naturally lead to much more satisfying shop ROAS.

Graph representing increases in impressions, conversions and ROAS

Sponsored Products Ads - simple, flexible, smart

Ladenzeile’s new Sponsored Products Ads work as a smart bidding system, with a dedicated page for placing the bids and editing other campaign settings. All you need to do is follow your shop’s individual link to your securely gated page. There you’ll find a list of subcategories carefully preselected for you so that they include only our best-performing URLs.

Choose which of your subcategories you would like to bid on, place your bids and take part in an auction. If you win, your products will be displayed on the top positions of our best-converting pages. The height of your bid is the only parameter that determines whether you win or lose the auction.


Sponsored Products Ads simple bidding

Your Sponsored Products Ads bids can win you the best positions on the first and second pages

In the bidding table, we provide you with information on the minimum bids required to enter the auction and have a chance to win positions on our first and second pages. But, since this is an auction system, after your bid, the exact position of your products depends on both you and your competition. Obviously, the best positions are the most competitive, so only your highest bids will get your products there, so it’s best to always bid significantly more than the minimum bid suggests! 

Sponsored Products Ads cost you nothing… unless they work for you

The best thing about the Sponsored Products Ads promotion is that it’s cost-per-click, so you only pay for it if our users click on your sponsored products! And even then, you’ll never pay more than the maximum bid you placed for a given subcategory. Also, if your products land on less prominent positions as the result of the auction, you’ll pay for them less than the maximum bid you’ve fixed.

This Sponsored Products Ads bidding system works independently from our regular CPC bidding. This means you don’t need to worry that it will affect your other CPC rates – the contractual ones or the ones you set using the CPC Management tool in your Partner Dashboard

Sponsored Products Ads always remain under your full control

As previously mentioned, it is up to you how much you want to pay or each of your selected product subcategories and for how long. On our side, we ensure you are regularly updated on the outcomes of your Sponsored Products Ads campaigns by sending you weekly reports. If at any point you decide that you’d like to change something in the campaign settings, you can always come back to your bidding page and:

  • Adjust your bids
  • Change the campaign duration
  • Request to pause a campaign

You’re the boss and we’re always here to help you.

Sponsored Products Ads benefits

Where to find the Sponsored Products Ads bidding page?

To ensure the highest level of security, your dedicated Sponsored Products Ads bidding page is made available to you via a personalized link. You can receive it from us in an email or find it at the top of your Partner Dashboard after you log in. You can choose the language version of the page that is most convenient to you.

Where to learn more about our Sponsored Products Ads?

If you are looking for even more information, check our FAQ or speak to your Success Manager.

Try out Sponsored Products Ads now!

Enter the Sponsored Products Ads bidding page using your personalized link in your Partner Dashboard.

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To your Partner Dashboard

To monitor and steer your campaign, select your market and log in to your Partner Dashboard

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