Ladenzeile receives Focus Money Preissieger 2022

Customers expect value for their money. At Ladenzeile, we’ve been rewarded by Deutschland Test and Focus Money as one of the Preissieger 2022 in e-commerce. A recognition we feel very honored about – especially because it means living up to what we promise our users:

In October, Focus Money and Deutschland Test published their Preissieger 2022 ranking, reflecting customers’ opinions all across Germany: 19,000 companies from over 250 industries were analyzed based on social listening data from websites, blogs, social media, news media, and forums. Here, the topics “price” and “overall impression” were put under the microscope to identify what users experience as the best value-for-money e-commerce.

The study was carried out in two main phases: The first step was the crawling phase, where 11 million social mentions were collected. In the second step, AI tools were used to analyze the data with regard to the specific fields of interest, classifying the corresponding mentions into either positive, neutral, or negative.

From 19,000 companies – to living up to our promise

Out of the initial 19,000 taking part in the study, only 1,400 companies made it to the final ranking. So where did we end up on the chart? We were very honored to find Ladenzeile shining bright as the 8th top player in the e-commerce category:

“I’m very happy and proud of our teams for receiving this award. Our product promises to empower everyone to find their favorites by easily comparing millions of items from thousands of shops – and save money at the same time. Seeing that our inventory and navigation seem to match our users’ expectations, shows me that we’re living up to what we promise,”

– Björn Darko, our Head of Product & SEO at Ladenzeile

At Ladenzeile, we’re grateful to receive this recognition from the market. And even more so, we’re proud of our teams who’re paving the way every day to make it easier for people to find the things they love online.

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